À Dieu Tulli / Adjø Tulli
Main project
À dieu Tulli is my current main project. It is a digital comic and will be published for iPad. Its also made to be performed live with loud reading and music. Since its digital I’m including a music score for this entry, like in Close Closer Closest (2017). The music is composed by Eva Pfitzenmaierm and it wil be recorded by Eva and Owen Weaver (drums) and Carmen Bóveda (Cello). They will also be performing ine the live performances. In our process we will make small process sessions open for the public, mainly in Bergen. Follow my Instragram and Facebook to eventually get news about upcoming events.
Based on family stories
10 years ago I made some interviews of my aunts and grand aunt Tulli. My goal was to research my grandfather to make comics about him. The material have resulted in two comics so far, Sound of Aurora which is an performance comic and Close Closer Closest (2017) which is published on the iTunes Store for iPad. This comic is based on my grand aunt Tullies stories, and my goal is to recreate a time the interviews gave me a glimse of, to tell stories that soon is forgotten.
The story is about the 19 year old girl Tulli from the small farm Strand in Dalsfjorden. A fjord on the west coast of Norway. Tulli was born with a weak heart, and in 1946 she gets the possibility to get a heart surgery. This will be one of the first heart surgeries in the country and is not without risk. À dieu Tulli will try to capture the uncertainty of facing a turning point in life. I will portrait the life on a farm on the west coast after the war. I will also illustrate the scars of the war throug Tullis brother Andreas, that has just returnes from the States. He was a war sailor and returns with a damaged heart that prevents him from heavy work. The war has disabled him. I will give the readers glims of the war and I will also recreate the heart surgery which was one of the first in Norway.
Research and artistic approach
This is a research heavy project and I travel a lot between Bergen and Dalsfjord to capture the environment but also to talk to people of the fjords that remember these times and to collect old photos and reference. The visual style of the comic will be stylised characters and realistic/impressionistic backgrounds done with pastell pencils.
This project is supported by Kulturdirektoratet, Bergen kommune, Norsk illustrasjonsfond og Leser søker bok.
Den raude steinen / The Red Stone
Viktor finn ein stein når han er på ferie på Borgundøy i Sunnhordaland. Han trur det er eit stykke flintstein, ein bergart som ikkje fins i Noreg. No byrjar eit forhold mellom Viktor og steinen, han greier ikkje å la vere å fundere på kvar den kjem frå. Han undrar over kven som har omgått denne steinen for fleire tusen år tilbake.
Dette skal verte eit sjølvpublisert Riso-trykka teikneseriealbum for vaksne, med ein publiseringsvindauge i 25/26. Det vil følge opp «Krampe», eit album på 40 sider frå 2024. Teikneserien vil handle om menneskets forhold til materielle verdiar i notid og fortid.
Viktor finds a red stone when he is on holiday on Borgundøy in Sunnhordaland. He thinks it is a piece of flint, a rock that is not found in Norway. Now, a relationship begins between Viktor and the stone. He can't stop thinking about where it comes from. He wonders who bypassed this stone several thousand years ago.
This will be a self-published Riso-printed comic album for adults, with a publication window of 25/26. The comic series will be about man's relationship with material values in the present and past.
Tankeringen / Ring of Thought
I 1889 opna arkeolog Gabriel Gustavson høvdinggrava på Evebø i Gloppen. Blandt våpen og skattar fann han eit objekt ingen hadde sett før. Den vart kalla tankeringen og lagt i arkivet til Universitetet i Bergen. Der har den lege trygt fram til no …
Tankeringen er eit fiktivt, episk eventyr som tar oss fram og tilbake i tid. Tankeringen vert stole frå Universitetet i Bergen og arkeologen Arja og venen Vegard greier kome på sporet av tjuvane. Mysteriet rundt tankeringen drar dei inn i eit surrealistisk plot som som får historiske konsekvensar.
I ei anna tidsrekning føl me krigarhøvdingen Arnavald som er i byen Asov saman med sin allierte, kong Odin. Kongar og høvdingar frå fjern og nær er samla for fredssamtalar. Tankeringen vert presentert for alle framøtte, og dei som vil ta del i alliansen vert lova evig liv.
Tankeringen er eit samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forfattar Rolf Losnegård og teikneserieskapar Fredrik Rysjedal. Teikneserien er under utvikling og arbeidet kan støttast og følgast på Fredrik Rysjedal si Patreon-side.
In 1889, archaeologist Gabriel Gustavson opened the chief's grave at Evebø in Gloppen, Norway. Among the weapons and treasures he found an object no one had seen before. It was called the Ring of Thought and placed in the archive of the University of Bergen. There, it has been safe until now ... The Ring of Thought is an epic fiction that takes us back and forth in time. The ring is stolen from the University of Bergen, and the archaeologist Arja and her friend Vegard manage to track down the thieves. The mysterious ring pulls them into a surreal plot with historical consequences.
In another timeline, the warrior chieftain Arnavald joins his ally, King Odin, in the city of Asov. Kings and chiefs from far and wide have gathered for peace talks. The Ring of Thought is presented to everyone, and those who want to particiate in the alliance are promised eternal life.
The Ring of Thought is a collaborative project between author Rolf Losnegård and comic artist Fredrik Rysjedal. The comic is under development and the work can be supported and followed on Fredrik Rysjedal's Patreon page.