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Cramp - Digital Edition
Cramp is a short and funny autobiographical comic about being scared to swim alone. Fredrik grew up by the fjord and has always loved the sea but is also very afraid of drowning. In this comic, he will try to face his big fear.
Digital utgåve/Digital edition: PDF and ePub
ISBN: 978-82-303-6813-8 (ePub)
ISBN: 978-82-303-6812-1 (PDF)
Format: 21x29,7cm, Pris/price: 75 NOK / 7 Dollars
Krampe - Digital utgåve
Dette er den digitale versjonen av Krampe. Lenka tar deg til min Patreon-butikk der den kan kjøpast og lastast ned.
This is the digital edition of my Norwegian comic Krampe. For English Language, look for Cramp - Digital Edition. This link takes you to my Patreon Store where it can be purchased and downloaded.
Digital utgåve/Digital edition: PDF and Epub
ISBN: 978-82-303-6613-4
Format: 21x29,7cm, Pris/price: 75 NOK / 7 Dollars
Hopp / Jump (2024)
Eit stensiltrykk, trykka med 3 fargar på Riso: Flat Gold, Sea Foam og Green. Motivet er frå teikneserien Krampe.
A stencil print, printed in three colours on Riso: Flat Gold, Sea Foam, and Green. The motif is from my comic Cramp.
Begrensa opplag/Limited edition: 16
Format: 29,7x42cm, Pris/price: 500 NOK + frakt/shipping
Trykk/Print: Tankeringen - Eidehøvdingen (2024)
Risotrykk med motiv av Eidehøvdingen og tankeringen som er gravlagd på Evebø på Sandane i Gloppen kommune. Motivet er frå treikneserieprosjektet Tankeringen som eg lagar med forfattar og dramatikar Rolf Losnegård.
Riso prints with a motif of the Eidehøvdingen and the Ring of Thought, who was buried at Evebø in Sandane in Gloppen municipality. The motif is from the comic project Tankeringen/Ring of Thoght that I am creating with author and playwright Rolf Losnegård.
Begrensa opplag/Limited edition: 100
Format: 28,5x40cm, Pris/price: 400 NOK + frakt/shipping
Cramp (2024)
Engelsk versjon av Krampe.
Cramp is a comic album about swimming and being afraid of swimming alone. It's an autobiographical comic, where my sea-wise family-in-law challenges my anxiety.
More info and images here.
Begrensa 1. opplag/Limited 1st edition: 100
ISBN: 978-82-303-6613-4
Format: 21x29,7cm, Pris/price: 200 NOK + frakt/shipping
Krampe (2024)
Norwegian edition of Cramp.
Krampe er eit teikneseriealbum om å svømme, og om frykta for å svømme aleine. Det er ein sjølvbiografisk teikneserie der angsten vert utfordra av min sjøvandte svigerfamilie.
Fleire bilder og meir informasjon kan du finne her.
Digital versjon (e-bok) kan kjøpast her.
Begrensa 1. opplag/Limited 1st edition: 100
ISBN: 978-82-303-6613-4
Format: 21x29,7cm, Pris/price: 200 NOK + frakt/shipping
Trykk/Print: Bryan Adams (2024)
Risotrykk, norsk versjon, med teikneserien Bryan Adams. Eit trykk for dei filosofiske der ute som lar tankane sine vandre verda rundt, slik som Bryan Adams.
Begrensa opplag/Limited edition: 30
Format: 30x40cm, Pris/price: 500 NOK + frakt/shipping
Trykk/Print: Bryan Adams
Riso prints, english edition, with the comic Bryan Adams. A print for the philosophical out there who let their thoughts wander the world, such as Bryan Adams.
Begrensa opplag/Limited edition: 20
Format: 30x40cm, Pris/price: 500 NOK + frakt/shipping
Elsewhere (2019)
As the first book published by Kinakaal (‘Chinese cabbage’) publisher, a publication project initiated by Sino-Norwegian cultural organisation Northing, we chose independent comic art because it’s a universal visual language that conveys profound information independently of words. Two artists from the two countries, Norwegian comic artist Fredrik Rysjedal and Chinese comic artist Shuo Wang (also known as anusman) made stories on the same topics, using radically different structures, narratives, and styles. Readers will be able to read the stories side by side, thus get a general idea of the relatively ordinary lifestyles of those living in China and those in Norway, and see both the differences and the sometimes astonishing similarities.
1st edition
ISBN: 978-82-690989-1-4
Format: 15x22,5cm, Pris/price: 320 NOK + frakt/shipping